Leppin, Volker. "The Development of the Notion of Baptism and Rebirth in Martin Luther's Early Works." 《神學與生活:卅週年特刊》,第三十期,2007:151-169.
Stjerna, Kirsi. No Greater Jewel: Thinking about Baptism with Luther. Lutheran Voice Series, Minneapolis, MN.: Augsburg Fortress, 2009.
Tranvik, Mark D. "Luther on Baptism", Lutheran Quarterly, vol.13, no.1, 1999:75-90.
Trigg, Jonathan D. Baptism in the Theology of Martin Luther. Boston, MA.: Brill Academic Publishers, 1997.
5 則留言:
你是否讀過道聲出版的"路德的聖洗觀"? 我自己沒讀過.
應該還是可以買的到 (至少1-2年前很容易買),但是否是好書,我不知道.
You probably don't have time, and maybe don't have interest, but 萬一的話...concerning ethics from a Lutheran perspective, AND trying to incorporate Hauerwas (whom I know you've been investigating a bit) Dr. Joel Biermann, now systematics prof at St. Louis did his PhD on this topic. If interested, it's available on the TREN website. The title is: Virtue Ethics and the Place of Character Formation within Lutheran Theology, and was written in 2002.
謝謝白牧師的寶貴資訊。不僅是關於Hauerwas,也關於TREN website。因為我大部分的PH. D. Dissertation都是在PQDT上買的,但是PQDT裡面並未收錄Concordia Seminary的學位論文。