2008年2月19日 星期二


Davis, Thomas J. “‘His Completely Trustworthy Testament’: The Development of Luther’s Early Eucharistic Teaching, 1517-1521.” Fides et Historia, vol.25, no.2 ,1993: 4-22.

Davis, Thomas J. “ ‘The Truth of the Divine Words’: Luther’s Sermons on the Eucharist, 1521-1528, and the Structure of Eucharistic Meaning.” Sixteenth Century Journal, vol.30, no.2 , 1999: 323-342.

Pasewark, Kyle A. “The Body in Ecstasy: Love, Difference, and the Social Organism In Luther’s Theory of the Lord’s Supper.” The Journal of Religion, vol. 11, no. 4, 1997: 511-540.

Schwarz, R. “The Last Supper: the Testament of Jesus.” Lutheran Quarterly, vol. 9, no. 4, 1995: 391-403.

Simon, Wolfgang. "Worship and the Eucharist in Luther Studies", Dialog, vol.47, no. 2, 2008:143-156.
