2014年12月8日 星期一


Kadai, Heino O. "Luther's Theology of the Cross." Concordia Theological Quarterly, vol. 63, no. 3, 1999: 169-204.

Kolb, Robert. “Luther on the Theology of the Cross.” Lutheran Quarterly, vol.16, no. 4, 2002: 443-466.

Oberman, Heiko. “Luther and the Via Moderna: The Philosophical Backdrop of the Reformation Breakthrough.” Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 54, 2003: 641-670.

Ratke, David C. “Preaching Christ Crucified: Luther and the Revelation of God.” Dialog, vol.43, no.4, 2004: 272-278.

Scaer, David P. "The Concept of Anfechtung in Luther's Thought." 斜體Concordia Theological Quarterly, vol. 47, no. 1, 1983: 15-30.

Simmon, Ernest L. Jr. "Creation in Luther's Theology of Cross." Dialog, vol.30, no.1, 1991: 50-58.

Wengert, Timothy J. "'Peace, Peace...Cross, Cross' Reflection on How Martin Luther Relates the Theology of the Cross to Suffering." Theology Today, vol. 59, no. 2, 2002:190-205.
