2019年5月29日 星期三


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Froehlich, Karfried. "Martin Luther and the Glossa Ordinaria." Lutheran Quarterly, vol.23, no.1, 2009:29-48.

Gallagher, Daniel B. "The Pauline Phrase 'Obedience of Faith' in Aquinas and Luther." LOGIA, vol.19, no.2, 2010:29-33.

Haemig, Mary Jane. "Luther on Translating the Bible." Word & World, vol.31, no.3, 2011:255-262.

Helmer, Christine. "Luther's Trinitarian Hermeneutic and the Old Testament." Modern Theology, vol. 18, no. 1, 2002:49-73.

Kolb, Robert. "Nowhere More Present and Active than in the Holy Letters: Luther's Understanding of God's Presence in Scripture." LTJ, vol. 49, no. 1, 2015: 4-17.

Kleinhans, Kathryn A. "The Word Made Words: a Lutheran Perspective on the Authority and Use of the Scriptures." LTJ, vol. 49, no. 1, 2015: 18-25.

Oliphant, Anthony J. "The Twofold Clarity of Scripture in Luther's Theology." LOGIA, vol. 28, no. 2, 2019: 15-20.

Paul, Robert. "Luther on Psalm 2: The Importance of Hebrew in Understanding the Old Testament." LOGIA, vol. 24, no. 1, 2015:7-14.

Wengert, Timothy J. "The 95 Theses as Luther's Template for Reading Scripture", Lutheran Quarterly, vol. 31, no. 3, 2017: 249-266.

Westhelle, Vítor."Luther on the Authority of Scripture." Lutheran Quarterly, vol. 19, n0. 4, 2005:373-391.
