Title: The Distinctiveness and Application of Martin Luther's Two-Dimensional Anthropology in the Taiwan Church
Author: Paul, Michael J.
School: Concordia Seminary, MO: St. Louis
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 2010.
Title: Martin Luther's Ethics of Creation
Author: Guzman, Noel F. R.
School: School of Theology, Boston University, MA: Boston
Degree: Th. D.
Year: 2006.
Author: Guzman, Noel F. R.
School: School of Theology, Boston University, MA: Boston
Degree: Th. D.
Year: 2006.
Title: A Real Presence: Religious and Social Dynamics of the Eucharistic Conflicts in Early Modern Augsburg 1520-1530
Author: Amberg, Joel Van
School: University of Arizona
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 2004.
Title: Historical Studies on Ratio in Luther: Comparison and Analysis of Luther's Two "Commentaries on Galatians" of 1519 and 1535
Author: Choi, Inho
School: Luther Seminary, MN: St. Paul
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 2004.
Author: Amberg, Joel Van
School: University of Arizona
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 2004.
Title: Historical Studies on Ratio in Luther: Comparison and Analysis of Luther's Two "Commentaries on Galatians" of 1519 and 1535
Author: Choi, Inho
School: Luther Seminary, MN: St. Paul
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 2004.
Title: Martin Luther's Incarnational Theology: The Intentions and Consequence of Martin Luther's Christology in His Late Disputation
Author: Vance, Melvin G.
School: Marquette University, WI.: Milwaukee
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 2001.
Author: Vance, Melvin G.
School: Marquette University, WI.: Milwaukee
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 2001.
Title: Luther's Ecclesiology and Its Relevance for the Contemporary Chinese Context
Author: Li, Kwong-Sang
School: Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, IL: Chicago
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 2000.
Author: Li, Kwong-Sang
School: Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, IL: Chicago
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 2000.
Title: The Passion and Death of Christ in the Piety and Theology of the Later Middle Age and Martin Luther
Author: Erwin, Robert Guy
School: Yale university
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1999.
Title: The Mature Luther's Revision of Marriage Theology: Preference for Patriarchs over Saints in His Commentary on Genesis
Author: McGuire, Marilyn M.
School: Saint Louis University
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1999.
Author: Erwin, Robert Guy
School: Yale university
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1999.
Title: The Mature Luther's Revision of Marriage Theology: Preference for Patriarchs over Saints in His Commentary on Genesis
Author: McGuire, Marilyn M.
School: Saint Louis University
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1999.
Title: The Action of Receiving: Understanding the Human Role in the Lord’s Supper Based on the Theology of Luther and Bonhoeffer
Author: Murken, Todd B. C.
School: Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, IL: Chicago
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1998.
Author: Murken, Todd B. C.
School: Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, IL: Chicago
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1998.
Title: Spiritual Care in Historical Perspective: Martin Luther as a Case Study in Christian Sustaining, Healing, Reconciling and Guiding
Author: Kellemen, Robert W.
School: Kent State University
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1997.
Title: Martin Luther's Interpretation of the Woman of Genesis in the Context of the Christian Exegetical Tradition
Author: Mattox, Mickey L.
School: Duke University
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1997.
Author: Kellemen, Robert W.
School: Kent State University
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1997.
Title: Martin Luther's Interpretation of the Woman of Genesis in the Context of the Christian Exegetical Tradition
Author: Mattox, Mickey L.
School: Duke University
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1997.
Title: Remembrance as a Dynamic of Faith in the Theology of Martin Luther
Author: Charles, Winston B.
School: Union Theological Seminary, New York Cith
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1995.
Title: The Patriarchs and Matriarchs as Saints in Luther's Lecture on Genesis
Author: Jordan, Sherry Elaine
School: Yale university
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1995.
Author: Charles, Winston B.
School: Union Theological Seminary, New York Cith
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1995.
Title: The Patriarchs and Matriarchs as Saints in Luther's Lecture on Genesis
Author: Jordan, Sherry Elaine
School: Yale university
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1995.
Title: Eucharist As Remembrance: The Concept of ANAMNESIS and Its Theological Function in Selected Faith Communities
Author: Ball II, John Frederick
School: Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1993.
Title: Luther’s Use of “the Humanity of Jesus” in the Eucharistic Controversy of the 1520’s
Author: Gavin, Charles D., Jr.
School: Luther Northwestern Seminary, MN: St. Paul
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1993.
Author: Ball II, John Frederick
School: Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1993.
Title: Luther’s Use of “the Humanity of Jesus” in the Eucharistic Controversy of the 1520’s
Author: Gavin, Charles D., Jr.
School: Luther Northwestern Seminary, MN: St. Paul
Degree: Ph. D.
Year: 1993.