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2008年2月19日 星期二
Hamn, Berndt. "Luther's Freedom of a Christian and the Pope", Lutheran Quarterly, vol.21, no. 4, 2007: 249-267.
Iwand, Hans Joachim. "The Freedom of the Christian and the Bondage of the Will", LOGIA, vol., no., 2008: 7-15.
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Iwand, Hans Joachim. "The Freedom of the Christian and the Bondage of the Will", LOGIA, vol., no., 2008: 7-15.
Kolb, Robert. "Forgiveness Liberates and Restores: The Freedom of the Christian according to Martin Luther", Word & World, vol.27, no. 1, 2007: 5-13.
Sonntag, Holger. "'Freedom Shall Be and Remain a Servant of Love': Distinguishing Faith and Love as a Criterion for Liturgical Practice in Luther's Theology." LOGIA, 2008: 37-44.
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Rosin, Robert. "Luther Discovers the Gospel: Coming to the Truth and Confessing the Truth", Concordia Journal, Apr. 2006, 147-160.
Rosin, Robert. "Luther at Worms and the Wartburg: Still Confessing", Concordia Journal, Apr. 2006: 161-174.
Oberman, Heiko A. "Luther and the Via Moderna: The Philosophical Backdrop of the Reformation Breakthrough." Journal of Ecclesiastical History, vol. 54, no. 4, 2003:641-656.
Rosin, Robert. "Luther Discovers the Gospel: Coming to the Truth and Confessing the Truth", Concordia Journal, Apr. 2006, 147-160.
Rosin, Robert. "Luther at Worms and the Wartburg: Still Confessing", Concordia Journal, Apr. 2006: 161-174.
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